
Our Success Story at a glance

Current 2020 -2024

September 2024

EcoVadis once again awards SPS Consulting & Services with a bronze medal!

For the second time in a row, our sustainable corporate strategy has enabled us to confirm our place in the top 35% of the most sustainable companies worldwide. Despite the stricter evaluation criteria this year, we were not only able to maintain our results, but even expand and increase them.

"Especially this year, in which EcoVadis raised their requirements and evaluation criteria, we are pleased that this award rewards and recognizes our ongoing commitment to sustainability and our continuous efforts to promote and practice responsible business practices.", explains Ulrich Wenzel, Chief Executive Officer of SPS Consulting & Services GmbH.

February 2023

SPS CS has successfully completed its surveillance audit for ISO 9001:2015.

It is again certified that we successfully apply our quality management system and always ensure and improve our services at the highest level.

Juliy 2022

SPS CS supports ADAC SE in cooperation with Ernst & Young GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft (EY) in the development of a new inventory management system and the integration into the existing system landscape in the insurance division. For this purpose, process and requirements analyzes are carried out, from which the technical conception and development plans are then derived. In addition, a migration and integration strategy is designed so that the newly developed system can be used smoothly together with legacy and third-party applications.
Through its commitment in this subject-specific and complex environment, SPS CS continues to contribute to the digitization of demanding processes.

June 2022

SPS Consulting & Services GmbH was awarded the contract in an EU-wide tender for support services for web development by the Zentrale Vergabestelle im Bayerischen Landesamt für Steuern.
We are very delighted about our new framework contract partner - Bayerisches Landesamt für Steuern – located in Munich.

April 2022

SPS CS has successfully completed its second surveillance audit for ISO / IEC 27001:2017.
SPS CS is certified as fully and effectively fulfilling an information security management system in accordance with the requirements of the said standard. The audit team confirms us the maintenance of the certification.

March 2022

SPS CS supports Bundesdruckerei GmbH in cooperation with Deloitte Consulting GmbH by providing professional and technological consulting of the Software Engineering Team in the implemantation of product and project requirements in a cloud native technology stack. 

We accompany the developement team taking charge of operational responsibility and supporting the platform operations team with DevOps duties. In addition, there is the development and transfer of architectures and technology guidelines within the company.

February 2022

SPS CS supports Netze BW GmbH in cooperation with Hays AG in portal backend development and thus drives digitization in another important industrial area of ​​the future. For this purpose, state-of-the-art technologies are used in a microservices architecture for a complex cloud environment, which enables scalability for future requirements in the provision of electricity for electric utilities.

February 2022

SPS CS has successfully completed its first surveillance audit for ISO 9001:2015.

It is again certified that we successfully apply our quality management system and always ensure and improve our services at the highest level.

July 2021

SPS Consulting & Services extends the frame contracts
-Partial Application Development Services
-Partial IT-Production Services
-IT-Consulting Services
with Deutsche Bahn AG until 31.12.2024. We are extremely pleased about the positive development and looking forward to a further succesful cooperation.

May 2021

SPS CS has successfully completed its first surveillance audit for ISO / IEC 27001:2017.
SPS CS is certified as fully and effectively fulfilling an information security management system in accordance with the requirements of the said standard.
The audit team confirms that we maintain the certification.

February 2021

SPS CS succeeded succesfully the ISO 9001 : 2015 certification.
SPS CS is certified, that it has introduced and uses an quality management system. Through an audit, documentated in a report, evidence is provided, that all requirements of the rules and standards are fulfilled.
With this certification, we have confirmed our constant and continuous improvement process of our quality management. This will ensure that our
services at the highest level so that we can meet customer expectations at all times.

June 2020

SPS CS succeeded succesfully the ISO / IEC 27001 : 2017 certification.
SPS CS is certified, that it has introduced and uses an information security management system. Through an audit, documentated in a report, evidence is provided, that all requirements of the rules and standards are fulfilled. With this certification, we guarantee the highest information security and implement the highest data protection standards.

2019 -2015

August 2019

SPS Consulting & Services GmbH is a listed supplier of the TransnetBW GmbH. We are pleased about this positive development and the successful cooperation.

March 2019

SPS Consulting & Services GmbH completes a framework contract for the provision of ICT services with L’ORÉAL Deutschland GmbH.

March 2019

Baden-Baden, March 1st. The management informs about the last financial year 2018: We look back on our most successful year. Our significant growth shows, that we followed the right strategy. 
This development encourages us to continue on the path we have taken and to secure it with further investments. The exact key points of our investments will be developed in our strategy meeting in april and afterwards communicated. Even if the current general economic sentiment weakens somehow, we are convinced, that with optimism and self-confidence, we can continue to shape a positive future.

October 2018

SPS Consulting & Services GmbH is a listed supplier and DevOps-Provider of the BMW Group. We are pleased about this positive development and further cooperation.

September 2018

SPS Consulting & Services GmbH completes a framework contract for the provision of ICT services with NTT DATA Deutschland GmbH.

March 2018

This year the management met at Gut Hermannsberg for the yearly strategy meeting, in order to develop or consolidate the goals of our company for the next few years.
Knowing that an important success factor is the up-to-date and forward-looking IT know-how of our employees, a comprehensive further qualification program was discussed and definend again.
Another topic will be an increased commitment in our new customer acquisition. We will expand our sales area, so we can serve our existing customers successfully as usual in a partnership-like relationship and, on the other hand, to take the opportunity to convince other interested customers of our services and to win them as new customers.
We assume, that these measures will also ensure the positive development of the company.
In this context, the management referred to the exceptionally strong development of the last year of SPS CS. So far, it was the biggest growth since SPS CS was founded.
All employees of SPS Consulting & Services GmbH can be more than proud of this result. This development shows us, that we are on a good way. Although the management expressly pointed out, that it is now the time to set the course for the next five to ten years. To provide weaker times out of the strength we have now, and to invest wisely and thoughtfully now, and ensure that we are optimally positioned in a weaker economic phase.

May 2017

Baden-Baden, May 8. The management is announcing the balance sheet figures of 2016: „As already communicated in September last year, our order situation developed in a very positive way in the second half of the year, so that we were able to achieve a growth of 7% for the full year 2016.
It is nice, that we improve our operating result every year from the very beginning of SPS Consulting & Services GmbH.
Certainly, this is also motivated by the fact, that the employees of SPS CS showing a high level of contemporary and forward-looking IT Know-How, which is ensured through permanent and intensive training. Nevertheless, we are aware that the demand for education and training of our specialists is becoming more and more important. Not least because the IT technology is changing in ever shorter cycles or has to develop according to the new market requirements.“
For the preview 2017 the management is reporting, that through three further long-term-contracts with our strategic customers we have created the basis to achieving a significant growth. It is up to us to take the advantage building up and ensure a qualified and long-term growth. Our development of the successful first quarter 2017 shows that we are on the right path.

November 2016

Frankfurt, November 21. SPS Consulting & Services GmbH presents itself to the DB Group at the “Onboarding Rahmenvertragspartnertag”. We were able to present our performance portfolio in numerous discussions with representatives of the DB AG group companies. In addition, we presented us with the paper presentations “Unternehmens-IT im Wandel der Digitalisierung“ and „IT Operation Analytics (ITOA) schafft den IT Security Überblick”.
There was a vivid exchange of information, regarding the planned IT strategy of the DB AG. Topics, such as, digitization, industry 4.0 respectively mobility 4.0 were discussed.
In this regard, the impact of Big Data and Internet of Things, which is probably the most important trend currently affecting mobility industries (and people), has also been explained in detail. Applications within the DB AG, which capture this trend and display live informations to the customer (for example the DB Navigator) will become increasingly important in the future.

September 2016

Karlsruhe, September 2nd 2016. The executive office reported the following for the current financial year 2016: After a restrained growth in the first half of 2016, we are glad, that the current development in the second half of 2016 is characterized by a significant growth, so we will realize an increase in turnover in comparison to the previous year.

July 2016


SPS Consulting & Services GmbH recently won the announcement for framework contracts for the provision of IT-Services with Deutsche Bahn AG. The several assignments are:
Application Development Services: Services in planning and implementing complex software development projects within the DB Group.
IT-Production Services: Assistance in IT-Operation Services headed by DB Systel.
IT Consulting Services: IT-Consulting and Program-Management Services in operational overarching and independent topics.
Thus we rank among the top IT-Service providers of DB AG.

April 2016

Karlsruhe, April 8. The executive office on the presentation of the annual report for 2015: “Let us all work as focused and effective in 2016. Then we´ll continue to be on the right way. In comparison with 2014 we were able to increase our EBIT by 12% in 2015. This shows, that our strategic direction can be described as “precisely right”. To remain on the right path, we continuously examine and scrutinize our strategy from new. This is the only way to continue to be successful as an IT-Consulting & Services Company.

April 2015

SPS Consulting & Services GmbH completes a framework contract for the provision of ICT services with Blanc & Fischer IT Services GmbH.

2014 -2009

October 2014

SPS Consulting & Services GmbH concludes an additional group-wide framework agreement for the provision of ICT services with Deutsche Telekom

March 2014

Karlsruhe, March 7, 2014: “Every year has a story of its own. Looking back at 2013, we can give it the headline ’It was another exciting and successful year’. SPS Consulting & Services GmbH can point to its second-best result since the company’s foundation. This shows once again, that the future of our company was and still is secured for all of us by measured action and targeted innovative decision-making. The extensive knowledge of our employees combined with reliable company policies are our guarantee for this.”

October 2012

Karlsruhe, October 31, 2012. The executive office announces “… that we are not only achieving our plan numbers this year, but will surpass them. We have increased our sales in the first three quarters of 2012 by about 20% compared to the previous year.”

April 2012

Karlsruhe, April 4, 2012. The executive office on the presentation of the annual report for 2011:

“I think I can rightly say, that due to the high-quality work of our employees and our substantial and sustainable business, we can regard the year 2011 positively. Compared to financial year 2010, we managed to increase our sales by 5.2%.

This proves again, that always maintaining a reliable cooperation with our employees and ultimately of course also with our customers definitely pays off. I very frequently heard in conversations that we have been preferred over other competitors because of the high quality of our employees’ consulting work as well as because of our reliability.

Let’s continue this journey together.”

January 2011

Karlsruhe, January 20, 2011: While reviewing the fiscal year 2010, the executive office first took a back on the year 2009: “What a year – about the world in uproar over the political and economic situation. News of crisis after crisis followed each other, as though prizes would be awarded for the most dramatic news of the day.”
And how did the year 2010 turn out to be? “We managed it – we weathered the economic crisis! Together we benefited from that which has always been a given for us, but which for many is missing: our customers’ trust in us. That trust is at the same time a driving force and a responsibility for each of us. It is secured by the excellent IT know-how of our employees, coupled with a reliable and forward-looking company policy. Thus were we able to increase our sales by 7.3% in 2010. We are proud that we can look back on continual and steady growth – since the founding of SPS Consulting & Services 2002.”

SPS Consulting & Services GmbH renews all existing framework agreements.

October 2010

Karlsruhe, October 4, 2010. The executive office announces, “…that we are not only achieving our plan numbers this year, but will surpass them. We have increased our sales in the first 3 quarters of 2010, compared to the previous year, by 5.3%. “

February 2010

Karlsruhe, February 2, 2010: “In the year 2009 we haven’t achieved our originally planned targets. Nevertheless, we were almost able to maintain the results of the previous year, with sales only falling by 5.3%, despite the financial crisis.” The executive office is convinced that “…we can make up a lot of ground this year, since we see, particularly in these difficult times, that we have done everything well in the past. Our customers have placed their trust in us until now and they continue to commit to new projects with us. We will continue to demonstrate that we see this trust as an incentive and commitment for the future.”

January 2010

SPS Consulting & Services GmbH renews all existing framework agreements.

November 2009

SPS Consulting & Services GmbH completes a group-wide framework agreement for the provision of ICT services to Deutsche Telekom.

May 2009

SPS Consulting & Services GmbH completes project contracts for IT services with DB ProjektBau GmbH.

April 2009

Karlsruhe, April 3, 2009. The executive office announces: SPS Consulting & Services GmbH weathers the economic crisis. In the first quarter of 2009 we were able to surpass the strong result from the first quarter of 2008. Sales increased by 15% in the same period.

March 2009

The SPS Consulting & Services GmbH is one of the top 10 IT service providers in the DB AG. This is an endorsement of the expansion of business activities in the metropolitan areas of Berlin, Erfurt, Frankfurt and Munich.

February 2009

Karlsruhe, February 18, 2009. SPS Consulting & Services GmbH remains on target for growth. The consulting company could achieve an increase in business by 16% compared to the previous year. In 2009 the company expects to make targeted acquisitions to increase its customer base, expand employees’ qualifications and bring new employees on board. The rate of growth continues to climb.

January 2009

SPS Consulting & Services GmbH renews all existing framework agreements.

2008 -2003

August 2008

SPS Consulting & Services GmbH fulfils its growth plans: sales increased in the first half of 2008 by more than 15% compared to the previous year.

February 2008

SPS Consulting & Services GmbH affirms and clarifies its way ahead:
Karlsruhe, February 12, 2008. SPS Consulting & Services GmbH managed to increase sales in 2007 by 30% compared to 2006 and thereby exceed its plan goals. This could be done thanks to the good reputation of SPS Consulting & Services GmbH and the highly-qualified level of its nearly 50 employees. Growth will also continue in 2008 with an increasing customer base, further hiring and additional branches across the country to ensure a broader local presence.

SPS Consulting & Services GmbH completes a framework agreement for IT services with KabelBW.

SPS Consulting & Services GmbH completes a framework agreement for IT services with Deutsche Telekom.

January 2008

SPS Consulting & Services GmbH renews all existing framework agreements.

November 2007

SPS Consulting & Services GmbH completes project contracts for IT services with Schenker.

November 2006

SPS Consulting & Services GmbH completes project contracts for IT services with T-Online (Deutsche Telekom AG T-Com).

October 2006

SPS Consulting & Services GmbH completes a new framework agreement with DB Reise & Touristik AG.

January 2006

SPS Consulting & Services GmbH renews all existing framework agreements.

June 2005

SPS Consulting & Services GmbH completes project contracts for IT services with Accenture.

February 2005

SPS Consulting & Services GmbH completes a new framework agreement for IT services with Softlab (BMW Group).

January 2005

SPS Consulting & Services GmbH renews all existing framework agreements.

December 2004

SPS Consulting & Services GmbH is a strategic partner for IT services of Dresdner Bank.

SPS Consulting & Services GmbH completes project contracts for IT services with Softlab (BMW Group).

August 2003

SPS Consulting & Services GmbH signs a framework agreement for IT services with Siemens Business Services GmbH & Co. OHG.

SPS Consulting & Services GmbH signs a framework agreement for IT services with Michelin Reifenwerke KGaA.

July 2003

SPS Consulting & Services GmbH signs a framework agreement for IT services with DaimlerChrysler AG.

SPS Consulting & Services GmbH signs a framework agreement for IT services with Volkswagen Bank GmbH.

May 2003

SPS Consulting & Services GmbH signs a framework agreement with Deutsche Bahn AG and becomes one of the top 15 IT service providers of DB AG.


DB Systel GmbH RIS

DB Systel GmbH, headquartered in Frankfurt am Main, is a fully owned subsidiary of Deutsche Bahn AG and a digital partner for all Group companies.

DB Systel GmbH VENDO

DB Systel GmbH, headquartered in Frankfurt am Main, is a fully owned subsidiary of Deutsche Bahn AG and a digital partner for all Group companies.

PRISMA Re-Design

DB Netz AG is a fully owned subsidiary of Deutsche Bahn and, as a rail infrastructure company, operates around 87.5% of the German rail network, which means a route network of almost 33,300 kilometers. DB Netz AG is thus Europe's largest rail infrastructure provider.


Munich RE is one of the world's leading reinsurers and risk carriers. The company is active in life, health and property/casualty business and offers products and services along the entire value chain. Munich RE drives innovation and digital solutions through its 50 locations spread across the globe.


Labour Standards


It is exceptionally important to us …

… to have a fair and decent interpersonal behavior with our employees, freelancers, customers, business partners and suppliers. Therefore, we are committed, in our code of conduct, to the International Bill on Human Rights of the United Nations and the principles of the core labour standards of the International Labour Organization (ILO).

As a responsible employer the following topics are paramount to us:

Review the compliance of standards


The review of the compliance of the social standards is a multi-piece process.


Regular reviews for fair working conditions: The regular internal survey covers all areas, in which our employees and freelancers are active. This involves checking whether the existing processes comply with the social standards.


Integrity Line: Employees, who wish to report a potential violation of our code of conduct or other policies, may contact the executive board at any time.
